Antiox Plus (3 pack) 60 per bottle (New Formula)

NZ Original price was: $165.85.Current price is: $149.85.

New Antiox Plus

Antiox Plus is a potent multi-antioxidant designed to protect cells from damage caused by free radicals and inflammation. Researchers’ acknowledge that free radical damage to cell structures is the beginning of many disease processes. Increasing antioxidant intake from foods and supplements can help prevent accelerated aging of body tissue and help balance immune system responses such as prostaglandin and cytokine production.


The major body systems targeted by Antiox Plus are:


Respiratory health:

To help maintain airways and general respiratory health. OPC and Quercetin play a major role.

Immune Responses:

To help organize and help immune responses. Most of the ingredients help here but Quercetin has a major role.

Eye Health

New Antiox Plus has Bilberry extract, Lutein and Zeaxanthin to help protect and support eye health.

Cardiovascular support:

To help maintain good blood flow especially to extremities including feet and hands. Most of the ingredients, especially OPC help with this.

Cell Aging

Accelerated cell aging is the main cause of premature aging. Resveratrol and OPC play a significant role.


Most of detoxification from environmental toxins and prescribed medications takes place in the liver. One of the most common causes of liver damage from medicines is paracetamol over-use. OPC (and the other antioxidants) help with detoxification. N- acetylcysteine is included to Antiox Plus primarily because it helps recycle the enzyme Glutathione which is depleted by long term paracetamol use. Maintaining good levels of Glutathione is essential for healthy liver function. It is worth noting that the main role of selenium in the body is the manufacture of Glutathione. Cell eXtra contains the maximum selenium permitted in NZ.

Caution: Do not use while on blood thinners without professional advice.

Each Capsule Contains

New Antiox Plus:


Each capsule contains:

Grape Seed extract (95% OPC)                    150mg

Pomegranate extract (4:1)                            125mg

Quercetin extract (95%)                                100mg

N – Acetylcysteine                                           50mg

Resveratrol extract (98%)                               25mg

Bilberry extract (100:1)                                   25mg

Natural mixed carotenoids                             25mg

(Lutein   5mg; Zeaxanthin 250mcg)



Take 1 -2 capsules daily after food or as directed by a health professional.

60 Capsules per bottle

Cautions: Adult use only; do not take if pregnant without advice from a health professional; May interfere with some medications especially blood thinners. Store away from direct sunlight; keep away from children.

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